Soft drinks and cigarettes are only a fraction of vast multitude of goods sold from such machines. Rice being a major staple for the Japanese it is no surprise that large bags of rice can be purchased from vending machines. This particular set of machines sells rice in ten kilogram bags. There are some rice vending machines today that sell rice in the same plastic bottles that soda is sold in.
Battery Vending Machine.

With all the electronics in stores everywhere, is it any wonder that battery vending machines would be available?
Ow blog that liked him England bought him with what?
ReplyDeleteIts,,nice other Vending Machine..
Makin banyak nich Vending machine nya...
ReplyDeletejadi tahu...,Thanks..!
Wah gak usah ke selep beras jadinya....
Nihon..wa ne..takusan...jihanki wo tsukatteru guni yo ne...!
ReplyDeleteGood and kindness..of Vending Machine...
ReplyDeleteWah....Muncul baru lagi nich Cak..Vending machine..,
ReplyDeleteSalam kenal juga Mas,
ReplyDeleteThank's atas kunjungannya and komentarnya.
Kayaknya sih mesin praktis untuk softdrink dll. Di Indonesia bisa ngga yach...