It was just a while ago we introduced you with the computer parts converted into awesome auto art; here are some more but this time from Ukrainian IT company, Vist.

The jaw dropping toys created from the various hard disk components just look like cool metal models. The awesome journey from junk to treasure isn’t a full time job from the IT Company but they’re created during breaks and in-between creation and testing of company applications.

And what’s so unique about these toys? The toys are fully functional as the bird’s neck and legs are mobile and the cool looking quad has fully functioning front and rear suspensions, wheels and a small engine to propel it.

Thanks for ; automotto


  1. ya ini karya yang sangat mempesona.

    English punya jadi agak kewalahan dalam menterjemahkan.

    Met malam dan selamat beristirahat

  2. whoa, so the armed car can transformed to a... bird? cool. :D

  3. kreatif juga nih memanfaatkan HDD buat jd robot2an, keren

  4. its amazing, kreatifitas memang tanpa batas, makasih sharenya :)

  5. wah, itu dari harddisk ,.,.,.???

    gak nyangka barangb bkas kalo di olah sma tangan kreatif bisa jadi kya gtu

    salut lah

  6. waaaaweeeew.keyeen.ntar aku mo bikin pake tusuk gigi ;p

  7. wahhh.
    kpan tuh workshopna :D

